
伊拉克一隻波斯豹被捕獸器夾傷腳約十天,導致失血過多並需切除右後腿。 有村民因在山區丟失了一些山羊後,設下了這個捕獸器。 這隻波斯豹現時在當地康復中,但已無法重返野外。現時野外只餘下約1000隻波斯豹;專家希望這隻波斯豹能轉移到歐洲進行復育計劃但當地政府卻希望牠留在伊拉克。

In Iraq, a Persian leopard was caught in a trap for around ten days; it suffered blood loss and had to remove its right hind leg. The trap was set by a villager after he lost some goats in the mountainous area. The leopard cannot be returned to the wild and is recovering at a local zoo. there are only around 1000 Persian leopards in the wild; ; experts hope it can be transfer to European facility for breeding program but the  local government prefers it to stay in Iraq.


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