

In Australia, the number of freshwater crocodiles are declining due as they are consuming poisonous invasive cane toads. Researchers collected dead cane toads, removed the toxic parts, and injected some drug that can make the crocodiles feel sick, similar to food poisoning effect. Researchers then hang the toads over water bodies. The crocodiles learned quickly not to take the toad baits after a while, and believed they learned to avoid live toads as well because the number of dead crocodiles have greatly reduced compared to sites that didn’t not have the training.



鏟齒喙鯨(Mesoplodon traversii)是最稀有及了解最少的鯨魚物種之一,因為從未見有活體記錄。鏟齒喙鯨的下顎兩側各有一隻明顯的大牙齒。最近有一條鏟齒喙鯨屍體被沖上紐西蘭的海灘。自 1800 年代以來,全球只有6個鏟齒喙鯨的紀錄,其中大部分都來自紐西蘭。

Spade-tooth whale (Mesoplodon traversii ) is one of the rarest and less known species of whale because it has never been seen alive. It has a distinctive large teeth on both side of its lower jaw. recently a dead spade-tooth whale was washed up on a beach in New Zealand. since the 1800s, there were only six samples of this whale species in record, most of them from New Zealand.




Indian’s vultures in India began to disappear over two decades ago because of a drug used to treat sick cattle. vultures are scavengers that feed on dead animals, controlling bacteria and pathogens. A study discovered the disappearance of vultures led to more spread of diseases and rabies caused by the carcasses of livestock and stray dogs, and increased human death rates.




The Andean bear is a vulnerable species that can be found in South America. in Bolivia, climate change and habitat loss are forcing the bears to roam further to search for food and increased conflicts with human. human let their livestock roam widely to feed; the bears might come across and attack the livestock for food, ending up being shot by human in retaliation for killing their livestock. Besides that, the bears also are threatened by wildfire, illegal hunting and trafficking.




海平面上升及颶風引發的土壤耗竭,導致佛羅里達礁島群的基拉戈樹仙人掌 (𝘗𝘪𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘪𝘪) 地區性滅絕。研究發現該仙人掌從2015年開始數量下降,到2016年已減少了至少50%;他們認為更多低窪沿海植物將面臨相似的威脅。基拉戈樹仙人掌的剩餘族群分佈在一些偏遠的加勒比海島嶼、巴哈馬群島的部分地區及古巴北部。NASA 預測,到 2100 年,佛羅裡達群島的大部分地區將被海水淹沒。

The rising see level and hurricanes causing soil depletion has put the Key Largo Tree Cactus (𝘗𝘪𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘪𝘪) to extinct locally in the Florida Keys. Research found the cactus began to decline in 2015, and was reduced over 50% in 2016; they believe more low-lying coastal plants will be at risk. The remaining populations of the Key Largo Tree Cactus are on a few remote Caribbean islands, parts of the Bahamas and northern Cuba. NASA predicts by 2100 most of the Florida Keys island will be below sea level.


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