

Ravens are working in pairs to attack breeding little blue penguins! one of the ravens will distract the penguin parent while the other one dig holes into the penguins’ burrow to grab their eggs or chicks. Researchers also observed ravens throwing the parent penguins off a cliff or harassing them for hours until the penguins gave up and abandon their nests. This new threat only started about 20 years ago, and only happens to the ravens in the Phillip Island , which is the largest breeding site for little blue penguins.




87 animals was found inside luggage in an airport in Bangkok including endangered species like red panda, cotton-top tamarin monkey, fishing cat and Sulawesi bear cuscus. There were also lizards, snakes, birds and other animals as well. Six Indians heading to Mumbai, India were arrested. Similar cases had happened before, showing that it is part of a large network of wildlife trafficking.





Herbivores like manatees and sea turtles are moving to subtropical area because of warming temperatures, creating new threat to seagrass meadows. Seagrass in subtropical area receive less sunlight than tropical areas and cannot recover fast enough with the increasing grazing. Seagrass meadows provide food for herbivores as well as breeding ground and nursery habitat for many other species.


32 個社區合力拯救河龜

在巴西茹魯蒂於亞馬遜河沿岸的 32 個社區,義工多年來自發合作拯救亞馬遜河龜。他們會在繁殖季節監視沙灘,以確保雌性河龜免受偷獵者的傷害,待產卵後將龜蛋從巢穴轉移到圍欄區域進行保護,直至孵化。有些義工從小就開始加入,現在他們帶領其他年輕人一起保護這些河龜。該地區記錄了大約 14 種河龜,由於寵物貿易及野採食用(包括龜蛋和成體)的情況嚴重,牠們的數量急劇下降。除此之外,這些河龜亦受到採礦、水壩建設及伐林等其他威脅。

32 communities in Juruti, Brazil, along the Amazon River, are working together voluntarily to save the Amazonian river turtles. during breeding seasons, the locals monitor the beaches to protect the female turtles from poachers, then transfer the eggs from the nests to a fenced area for protection until they hatch. Some volunteers started joining when they were kids, and now they are leading the group with other young people. There are around 14 species of turtles recorded in the area, Their population has dramatically dropped because of hunting for pet trade and consumption, both eggs and adults. On top of that, there are other threats like mining, dam buildings and deforestation as well.



Asian Elephants were observed carrying their dead calves to bury and mourn. A study reported five cases of calf burials by Asian Elephants in the eastern Himalayan floodplains of northern West Bengal. The calves were placed with their legs facing upward before the other members in there herd bury them with soil.


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