
在一些熱帶地區中密集農業及氣候變化最嚴重的地方,昆蟲數量下降了 49%。農業增長對自然棲息地造成嚴重破壞,在炎熱的氣候,昆蟲依靠這些自然環境作遮蔭。 研究發現傳粉昆蟲受影響較大,在這些區域數量減少了 70%

Intensive agriculture and climate change had caused 49% decline in insect population in the most damages parts of the world, mainly tropical regions. Agricultural growth caused more damage on natural habitats, and insects rely on these natural environment to shade in hot weathers. insect pollinators appeared to be more sensitive to the expansion with 70% less in number in these damaged areas.


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