
澳洲一間食品科技公司,用已滅絕的長毛象DNA 混合少量非洲象DNA製造了一種肉丸。因人類可能對這種有 5000 年歷史的蛋白質過敏,所以暫時沒有人試食過。該公司希望展示實驗室培育的肉類,比養殖肉類更俱生態可持續性,因農業會導致氣候變化,並對環境及野生動物造成許多不同的威脅;而且這種肉類生產過程不需要殺死任何動物。新加坡是現在唯一允許商業銷售實驗室培育肉類的國家。

An Australian food-tech company created a meatball with DNA of an extinct mammoth combine and fragments of African elephant DNA. No one has tasted it because human could be allergic to this 5000-year-old-protein.The company wanted to show lab-grown meat can be more ecologically sustainable than farmed meet, as agriculture causes climate change and many threats to our planet and wildlife; no livestock needs to be killed to produce it as well. Singapore is the only country allows commercial sale of lab-grown meat.


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