
穴鴞是美國加州的瀕危物種,但牠們因人類發展導致失去棲息地而面臨威脅。 保育團體嘗試替牠們另覓棲息地,而為了吸引穴鴞於新棲息地定居,保育團體於石頭上噴濺白色油漆偽裝鳥糞,又播放其他穴鴞的叫聲,假裝也有其他同伴在附近棲息。

the western burrowing owl is an endangered species in California, but they are facing habitat loss because of human developments. Conservationists try to save them by relocating them. In order to attract the owls to settle at new sites, conservationists need to make the owls believe that other owls are near by, so they splatter white paint on rocks to look like bird poop and play other burrowing owl calls at these sites.



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