
美國俄亥俄州一名女子承認出售入侵物種大理石紋螯蝦到36個州,將面臨最多一年監禁及高達100,000 罰款。這些螯蝦常被用作觀賞、寵物糧食及魚餌等,牠們能夠單性繁殖而且速度快,已入侵多國生態系統,但僅於美國部份州被禁止。

a woman in Ohio pleaded guilty to selling invasive marbled crayfish across 36 states; she is facing a maximum penalty of one year jail time and up to $100,000 in fines. Marbled crayfish are often sell for aquarium use, as fishing baits or pet food. female marbled crayfish can reproduce on its own and in a fast rate; this species is an invasive species in many countries, but it is only prohibited in some states in the US.



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