在阿根廷瓦爾德斯半島,有17,000多隻 於2023年出生的南象海豹幼崽因禽流感而死亡,佔去年出生一代的95%以上。 禽流感於 1996 年在人工養殖鳥類中被發現,隨後傳染給野生鳥類,到目前已傳播至約 345 種鳥類及哺乳動物。 最近亦有一隻北極熊首次因禽流感死亡。
in Argentina’s Valdes Peninsula, over 17000 southern elephant seal pups born in 2023 were dead because of bird flu, which is over 95% of the generation born last year. Bird flu was found in 1996 in domesticated birds, it was then passed to wild birds and now reached around 345 birds and mammals species. A polar bear was killed by bird flu recently for the first time as well.