
在非洲,開採銅、鋰及其他礦物令超過 1/3 的非洲猩猩面臨威脅。研究對非洲17個國家的採礦進行研究,包括森林砍伐、污染等直接影響,以及人類活動和疾病傳播風險等間接影響,並估計約 18 萬隻黑猩猩、大猩猩、倭黑猩猩等猩猩受到這些採礦活動影響。

In Africa, mining for copper, lithium and other minerals are putting over 1/3 of Africa’s great apes at risk. A research on 17 African countries measured direct impact like deforestation and pollution, as well as indirectly impact like human activities and diseases transmission risks, and estimate these mining sites are endangering around 180000 great apes like chimpanzees, gorillas and bonobos.


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