過半的鱷魚因喪失棲息地、人類發展、捕獵及捕魚等所威脅。 部分瀕危的鱷魚於不同的環境中提供了重要的生態功能。 揚子鱷在挖洞時會為其他物種提供庇護所; 菲律賓鱷魚會食用以害蟲,有助控制害蟲數量; 灣鱷魚會帶不同養分穿梭鹹淡水生境。 失去這些鱷魚會對不同棲息地及生態系統帶來影響。
over half of the world’s crocodilians are threatened because of habitat loss, human developments, hunting and fishing. some of these endangered crocodilians provides important ecological functions in different environment. The Chinese alligator provides shelters for other species while burrowing; the Philippines crocodile helps control pests by feeding on them; the salt water crocodile transports nutrients through freshwater and marine habitats. losing these crocodilians bring risks to different habitats and the ecosystems.