
薩氏新亮麗鯛(Neolamprologus savoryi)是一種合作繁殖的魚類,通常有族群幫手來幫忙保護領地及照顧後代。研究發現,主導的繁殖魚會攻擊那些沒幫忙的幫手,而受到攻擊的幫手被攻擊後會增強領土防禦。這項研究顯示,非人類動物如魚類也會利用懲罰來讓族群的其他成員合作。

A species of cichlid fish (Neolamprologus savoryi) are cooperatively breeding fish, there are usually subordinates (helpers) to help with nest protection and taking care of offsprings. Study found dominant breeders will attack helpers that prevented from helping, and the attacked helpers would increase territorial defense afterward.

This study shows nonhuman animals like fish also use punishment to get others to cooperate.


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