於2018年,在一座深海死火山附近發現了近 6000 隻雌性珍珠八爪魚(Muusoctopus robustus)在築巢。科學家用三年監測,發現被火山加熱的水有助於八爪魚卵孵化得更快。一般情況下,牠們的卵需要至少 5 年才能孵化,但水溫上升後只需不到兩年的時間。
Nearly 6000 of female pearl octopuses (Muusoctopus robustus) were found nesting near a deep-sea extinct volcano in 2018. In the past years, scientists monitored the site and discovered that the water heated by the volcano helps the octopus eggs hatch faster. Normally it would take at least 5 years for their eggs to hatch, but with much warmer water temperatures, it only take less than two years.