
在尼泊爾,水獺因過度開發而面臨威脅。缺乏污水處理、農業農藥、工業廢物等,對河川、溪流及湖泊等淡水生境造成污染。建設水壩及過度捕撈亦減少了牠們的食物資源。現時有江獺 (Lutrogale perspicillata) 及歐亞水獺 (Lutra lutra)兩種淡水水獺棲息於尼泊爾。

In Nepal, otters are facing threats due to overexploitation. Lack of sewage treatment, agricultural pesticides, industrial wastes, and contributing pollution to rivers, streams and lakes. Hydropower projects and overfishing are reducing their food sources as well. There are two species of freshwater otters live in Nepal, the smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) and  the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra).


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