
在美國,野生動物,尤其是哺乳類,正受到環繞國家公園的道路及耕地等人類發展所威脅。 這些發展限制了牠們的遷徙及導致棲息地破碎化。研究人員建議興建生態走廊將不同國家公園連接起來。這可以擴大受保護範圍,使這些哺乳動物能夠遷徙,長遠有助增加牠們的存活率。

In US, wildlife, especially mammals, are under pressure from human developments like roads and cultivated lands that surrounded national parks. These developments restricted their migration and cause habitat fragmentations.Based on recent studies, researchers suggested connecting national parks with ecological corridors. This can enlarge land protection, allowing these mammals to migrate and help their survival in a long-term.


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