一項為期五年,在巴西三個州進行的研究發現,近一半的牧場在亞馬遜雨林的保護區內放牧。 約110 萬隻牛直接從保護區出售,另有約220 萬頭隻曾於保護區內放牧。亞馬遜地區大約 70% 的森林砍伐都與養牛業有關連。 很多主要肉類公司曾承諾停止從有非法行為的牧場採購牛肉,但由於缺乏對牛隻放牧移動的透明度,導致這些牧場難於監察。
A five-year research in three states in Brazil shows that nearly half of the ranches have their cattle graze in protected areas of the Amazon rainforest. 1.1 million cattle were brought directly from protected areas, and 2.2 million spent part of their lives grazing in protected areas. Around 70% of the deforestation in the Amazon was related to cattle ranching. Many major meatpacking companies made commitments to stop sourcing beef from ranches with illegal practice, but the lack of transparency of cattle movement make it hard to monitor their supply chain.