
美國西部的一項研究發現,66% 死於電力線附近的鳥類是被槍殺,並非因觸電身亡。這些死亡的鳥類主要為隼、鵰及烏鴉,當中17%死於觸電,另外17%死於碰撞。這些鳥類常會於電力線上休息,相信是被人類因娛樂或避免家畜被捕食以非法射殺牠們。

A study in western USA shows, 66% of birds died along power lines were actually shot instead of being electrocuted. Most of the bird they discovers were hawks, eagles and raven; 17% of them died from electrocution and 17% died from collisions. These large birds often found perching on power lines; people may shoot them for fun or to protect their livestock illegally.


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