
澳洲昆士蘭州的動物園和野生動物保護區計劃請監獄農場幫忙為樹熊種植食物。 囚犯可以幫助種植及收取尤加利樹; 這能為樹熊提升食物的供應,亦為囚犯提供有價值的工作及種植培訓。樹熊非常挑食; 牠們只吃嫩葉,不吃成熟的葉子。

Zoos and wildlife sanctuaries in Queensland are planning to find help from prison farms to help grow food for koalas. Prisoners can help grow and harvest eucalyptus trees; this can help provide more food supply for the koala as well as providing rewarding work and planting experience for the prisoners. Koalas is very picky eater; they only eat fresh growths not mature leaves.


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