
小葵花鳳頭鸚鵡及桑巴島折衷鸚鵡等鸚鵡被非法貿易的情況越來越嚴重。科學家正計劃透過採集羽毛或雛鳥的血液來收集野生鸚鵡的 DNA,並建立牠們的資料庫。當有鸚鵡被查獲時,工作人員可以利用DNA資料庫追蹤牠們的來源,並野放回到原本的棲息地。執法機構還可以透過該資料庫,追查偷獵活動的地點,並有望揭發這些販運集團。

Parrots like the yellow-crested cockatoo and sumba eclectus are increasing targeted by illegal trade. Scientists are planning to collect wild parrots’ DNA by collecting their feather or blood from nestling, and build a database of them. Officials will be able to take seized birds’ DNA and track their origin then return them home. The database can also be access by law enforcement agencies to help discover locations of poaching actives and hopefully reveal trafficking networks.


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