角鵰是地球上最大的猛禽之一,棲息於亞馬遜熱帶雨林的樹冠層。 研究發現牠們受到森林砍伐的威脅,及不會在損失超過 70% 森林的地區築巢。 一對角鵰每個繁殖期只養育一隻幼鳥,而這些幼鳥正面臨飢餓,因為牠們的食物來源如樹懶及蜘蛛猴也正在消失。
Harpy eagle is one of the largest raptors on earth that lives in the canopy layer of the Amazon rainforest. Study found they are threatened by deforestation and are not nesting in areas with over 70% forest loss. A breeding pair mainly raise one eaglet at a time, and these eaglets are facing starvation because their food sources like sloths and spider monkeys are disappearing as well.