研究發現蜜蜂會在熊蜂身上偷花粉。 熊蜂有毛茸茸的身體,常會黏到花粉。研究人員對一個地區的蜜蜂進行了三年的觀察,發現該區蜜蜂採集了 31 種花粉,其中只有3種親自採摘,其餘的都是從熊蜂的背上偷取。
A study discovered honeybees are stealing pollen from bumblebees. Bumblebees have hairy bodies and pollen got stuck on them. researchers observed the bees in a certain location for three years and found that honeybees only collect pollen from 3 of the 31 flowers themselves, and stole the rest off bumblebees’ backs.