隨著航運量的快速增長,鯨魚面臨著嚴重的威脅。 船隻與鯨魚等海洋生物的碰撞會導致牠們傷亡,而且很多時都沒被發現或彙報,因為部分屍體會體會被發現擱淺在岸邊,但部分會則沉沒到海底。有些瀕危物種如,因棲息地方變成繁忙航線,與船隻碰撞成了牠們面臨絕種的主因。
Whales are facing bigger threat as the amount of shipping traffic keeps increasing rapidly. ships collisions with marine creatures like whales can be lethal and are often unnoticed and unreported; some whales’ bodies will found stranded on shores but some will just sink and never be found. endangered species like the North Atlantic right whale lives in one the the busiest water; collisions with ships is the main threat for them and could put them to extinction.