在亞洲,原雞是馴養家禽雞的野生祖先,牠們因為與棲息地附近所養殖的雞雜交而受到威脅,並失去其遺傳多樣性。研究人員估計,這些原雞大概已從養殖雞隻繼承了 20-50% 的基因組。基因改變會令牠們更容易感染疾病,並降低牠們適應不同環境變化的能力。
In Asia, red junglefowls, the wild ancestors of domesticated chickens, are under threat and losing their genetic diversity because they are interbreeding with chickens farmed near their natural habitat. Researchers estimated that these red junglefowls have inherited 20-50% of their genomes from domesticated chicken. This will make them become more susceptible to diseases and reduce their ability to adapt to changing environments.