
氣溫上升導致綠海龜胚胎發育成雌性的數量增加。最近於大堡礁的一項研究發現,海龜吸收了採礦業等人類活動產生的金屬污染後,會加強繁殖出雌性的機率, 令海龜出生的性別比例接近100%為雌性,進一步威脅牠們的繁殖率及數量。

The rising temperature leads to increasing number of Green Sea Turtle embryos develop into females. AA recent study in Great Barrier Reef found that after sea turtles absorbed metal pollution from human actives like mining, it will influence their sex towards females. This makes the sex ratio to almost 100% female, threatening their reproduction rate and population further more.


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