
英國國民信託基金計劃今年種植 20,000 棵沼澤紫羅蘭,來拯救英國罕見的北冷珍蛺蝶(Boloria selene)。自 1970 年代中期,英國的北冷珍蛺蝶數量減少了 71%。全球暖化使牠們往北及西遷移,尋找氣溫較低、更合適的棲息地。科學家希望透過種植牠們幼蟲最喜歡的食物,能幫助增加牠們的食物資源並重新連接被孤立了的群體。

The National Trust in UK is aiming to plant 20000 marsh violets this year to help saving the small pearl-bordered fritillary (Boloria selene), a rare butterfly in UK. The populations of the small pearl-bordered fritillary has decreased 71% in the UK since mid-1970s. Global warming is driving them to move north and west in search of cooler and more suitable habitats. Scientists hope by planting the favorite food of their caterpillars could help increase their food supply and reconnect isolated colonies.


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