
瀕危的赤頸鶴每年12月到5月期間,會遷徙到柬埔寨的Anlung Pring。近年數量急劇下降,有保育團體與農民合作,以較高價租用他們的稻米田10年,並資助農民種植赤頸鶴喜愛的本地短粒米,農民可以收割一半的稻米,另一半則留下給赤頸鶴進食。

Endangered eastern sarus cranes migrate to Anlung Pring area in Cambodia during December to May, but their population dropped sharply in recent years. Conservation groups is now working with local farmers; they are renting farmlands and paying a ten-years rent in advance at a higher price, as well as paying them to plant the cranes favorites local short-grain rice. Farmers can harvest half of the rice and leave the other half for the cranes and other birds.


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