
由於有殺死普通鵟及紅鳶等野生動物的風險,第二代抗凝血滅鼠劑 (SGARS) 已於2012年在英國被禁止在戶外使用。然而,一項研究發現,2005年至2010年間,超過50%的死亡普通鵟肝臟中發現滅鼠劑,但2020年至2022年間,數量反增加至90%以上。這顯示這種滅鼠劑仍有在室外非法使用。

The Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides (SGARS) was banned to use outdoor in 2012 in England due to the risk of killing wildlife like Common Buzzards and Red Kites. However, a study found between 2005-2010, rodenticide was found in more than 50% of dead buzzards’ liver, but between 2020-2022, the number increased to more than 90%. This shows the poison is still being used illegally in open-field.



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