獅子魚在大西洋水域是入侵物種; 在沒有天敵的情況下對當地魚類和珊瑚礁構成威脅。美國佛羅里達州的一家新公司發明了一種將這些獅子魚製成魚皮革的方法,並將它們出售製成不同的產品,例如鞋、皮帶及錢包等。他們還教育及鼓勵低收入漁民捕捉這些獅子魚來製作皮革。
Lionfish is an invasive species in Atlantic waters; it has no natural predators there and is threatening other native fish and coral reefs. a new company in Florida invented a way to turn these lionfish into fish leather, and is selling them to make different products like shoes, belts and wallets. They also educate and encourage lower-income fishermen to help catch these lionfish for making fish leather.