為重新引入獵豹,自去年 10 月已有20 隻獵豹先後從非洲被帶到印度。因為所選的國家公園被認為不適合那麼多獵豹棲息,所以現時只有 8 隻被野放。其中3隻在過去數月內因不同原因死亡; 一隻雌性到達印度後生了4隻幼崽,當中3隻亦於最近死亡。獵豹自 1952 年已於印度滅絕,重新引入計劃原訂在未來 5-10 年內放生 50 隻獵豹。
20 cheetahs were brought to India from Africa for reintroduction since last October. Only 8 of them were released in a national park because the selected location is an unsuitable habitat for that many cheetahs. 3 of them died in the past few months for different reasons; a female gave birth of 4 cubs and 3 cubs died recently as well. Cheetah became extinct in India since 1952, and the plan was to release 50 cheetahs over the next 5-10 years.