
烏鴉、貓頭鷹等雀鳥有較大的腦袋,比其他鳥類更聰明及更善於解決問題。 最近的研究發現,這些物種產卵數量較少,雛鳥出生後需依賴父母提供食物及照顧,因為牠們的大腦發育需要大量能量。 若沒有父母投放大量時間及精力,這些雛鳥則無法成長。

Birds with higher brain-to-body ratio like crows and owls are more intelligent and have better problem-solving skills. Recent research found that these species were born helpless and in small clutches, they rely on their parent for food and care as they require a lot of energy for their brain growth. Therefore, without their parents investing their energy on these offsprings, they won’t be able to grow to maturity.


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