英國新法例允許農民在農作物受到河狸威脅時將牠處死。 河狸在約 400 年前在英國滅絕,直到近年牠們才被重新引入,豐富了當地的生物多樣性,牠們建築的水壩亦有助於過濾農業污染物。環保人士認為應該教育農民並為他們提供支援來處理河狸問題,亦可先考慮其他解決方案,例如搬遷河狸及其水壩。
New law allows farmers in England to kill beavers if they threatened their crops. Beaver was once extinct in the UK around 400 years ago until recent years, they have been reintroduced and enhanced the biodiversity. their dams also help filter pollutants from agriculture and aid to farming. Conservationists believe there should have more education and offer support to famers, and there are other solutions like relocating beavers and their dams.