
在紐西蘭,一隻雌性紐西蘭海獅在海灘旁的高爾夫球場中築巢育兒,並會定期越過馬路到海灘。 為了保護這種瀕臨滅絕物種,這條道路暫時封閉一個月,以免發生與車輛相撞的意外,而且狗隻必須以狗帶牽引才可進入附近範圍。

In New Zealand, a female New Zealand sea lion is nesting with her pup in a golf course next to a beach, and is regularly crossing a road to get to the beach. To protect this endangered species, the road is now closed for a month to avoid any collision, and dogs must be on a lead in that area as well.


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