
為減輕於美國華盛頓、俄勒岡州及加州北方斑點鴞受入侵橫斑林鴞的威脅,受培訓的專業人員被授權殺死部分橫斑林鴞。橫斑林鴞原本棲息於北美東部,但自 2000 年代初以來,其族群不斷向西遷移。除了與北方斑點鴞競爭本已有限的棲息地外,橫斑林鴞的領地意識很強,食性範圍也更廣。除此之外,入侵橫斑林鴞還可能使魚類及蠑螈等物種面臨威脅。

To protect the spotted owls in Washington, Oregon and California from invasive barred owls, trained professionals are authorized to kill some of the barred owls. Barred owls are native to the eastern North American, but its population continue to move westward since the early 2000s. beside competing for the already limited habitats, barred owls are very territorial and have wider range of diet; beside threatening the spotted owls, the invasive barred owls may put species like fish and salamanders at risk as well.


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