澳洲的鹹水鱷於1970 年代面臨滅絕,而野豬則是當地入侵物種,遍布當地近 40% 的土地並破壞野生地形。 然而,鹹水鱷會待這些行動緩慢的野豬到水邊喝水時獵殺牠們,鹹水鱷一直以野豬為主要食糧,讓牠們的數量恢復得比預期中快。
The saltwater crocodile in Australia was facing extinction in the 1970s. on the other hand, feral pig is an invasive species that damages Australia’s wild terrain and spreads across almost 40% of local land mass. However, the crocodiles have been feeding on slow moving feral pigs that visit the water’s edge for a drink. These feral pigs became saltwater crocodiles’ primary food source and help them restore their population in Australia.