萊桑池蛙曾於 1990 年代在英國滅絕。在2005-2008年間,保育團體在諾福克重建了一個合適池蛙的棲息地,並從瑞典引入一些萊桑池蛙野放。這些池蛙成功於諾福克繁殖,牠們由卵開始被人工飼養,而過去四年保育團體成功野放約1000隻蝌蚪。
The northern pool frog was once extinct in England in 1990s. between 2005-08, some northern pool frogs were brought from Sweden and reintroduced to a secret site in Norfolk, where conservationists recreated a suitable habitat for them. These frogs successfully bred and their spawn were reared in captivity. More than 1000 tadpoles were released successfully in the past four years.