
海鳥糞便有助珊瑚更快復原! 珊瑚礁受到海水溫度上升及污染等威脅,而有研究發現,與遠離海鳥棲息的島嶼相比,靠近有海鳥棲息島嶼的珊瑚礁,恢復速度快約 10 個月。 海鳥以海洋中的魚類為食,在島上棲息時會留下營養豐富的糞便。這些糞便會被沖入大海,帶來營養物質以促進珊瑚生長。

Seabird poop can help coral recover faster! Coral reefs are threatened by rising sea temperatures and pollutions, but study found coral reefs near islands with seabird colonies can recover around 10 months faster compared to those far away from seabird colonies. SSeabirds feed on fish in the ocean and depositing poop with rich nutrient when roosting on the island. Their poop then washed into the sea and bring the nutrient to enhance coral growth.


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