
亞馬遜海牛棲息在亞馬遜雨林的河流及湖泊中,屬易危物種,主要是因為非法偷獵作食用而面臨威脅。亞馬遜地區嚴重的乾旱導致水位下降,使海牛可躲藏的水域越來越少,令牠們更容易被偷獵者捕捉。儘管捕獵海牛已於約60 年前禁止,但在較小及偏遠的城鎮中,海牛肉仍然被廣泛食用。

Amazonian manatee inhabits rivers and lakes in the Amazon rainforests; it is a vulnerable species mainly because of illegal poaching for their meat. The increasing intense droughts in the Amazon is causing lower water levels, leaving the manatee less water to hide in and become more exposed to poachers. even though hunting manatees was banned almost 60 years ago,  their meats is still widely consumed in smaller and isolated towns.


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