中美洲的販毒集團將貨物運往森林深處,破壞熱帶森林,導致2/3 鳥類主要的棲息地面臨威脅。販毒集團砍伐森林建造非法道路來運送毒品及擴大牧場來洗黑錢。研究人員發現,67種在美國繁殖但在中美洲過冬的候鳥因此面臨危險,其中包括瀕危物種金頰黑背林鶯等瀕臨滅絕的物種。
in Central America, narco-traffickers are moving shipments deeper into forests, destroying tropical forests and putting 2/3 key forest habitat for birds at risk. Narco trafficking is causing deforestation through building illegal roads for moving shipments as well as expanding cattle pasture for money laundering. Researchers discovers 67 species of migratory birds that breed in the US but spend the winter in Central America are in danger, including endangered species like the golden-cheeked warbler.