
一名男子被捕並承認在 2019-2023 年間殺了 7 隻爪哇犀牛。野生爪哇犀牛只餘下少於70隻,並僅存於一個棲息地-烏戎庫隆國家公園 (Ujung Kulon National Park)。而這名偷獵者在幾年內殺死了該物種的 10%。 許多人認為這判決太輕,不足以阻嚇其他偷獵者捕獵已經極度瀕危的爪哇犀牛。

A man was caught and confessed to killing seven Javan Rhinos between 2019-2023. There are less than 70 Javan Rhinos in the wild living in one remaining habitat, the Ujung Kulon National Park. One single poacher has killed 10% of this species in a few years, and he is only facing a five-year-sentence, which is the legal maximum for poaching in Indonesia. Many thinks this sentence is too light to stop poachers hunting this critically endangered rhino.


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