澳洲一項研究發現,極度瀕危的布魯南海豚受到高濃度的全氟辛烷磺酸(PFAS)影響,比預計的濃度高出至少10倍。PFAS是一組人造化學物質,由於其持久性,通常被稱為「永遠化學品」。 研究不僅在成年海豚身上發現PFAS,剛出生及幼年海豚亦受到感染。 PFAS 會對野生動物帶來各種繁殖問題,亦會影響年幼動物的生長及存活率。 PFAS常用於不沾鍋具、食品包裝、消防泡沫、地毯、化妝品等產品。
A study in Australia on the critically endangered Burrunan dolphins found that, they are suffering a high level (ten times higher than normal result) of PFAS, a group of man-made chemicals that are often called “forever chemicals” due to their persistence. PFAS was found in not only adult dolphins bunted born and juveniles as well. PFAS can cause reproductive problems to wildlife and affect young animals’ growth and survival. PFAS are often used in non-stick cookware, food packaging, firefighting foam, carpets, cosmetics, etc.