
尤寧島壁虎於 2005 年首次被科學描述,並很快成為寵物業新寵。由於過度捕捉導致數量急劇下降。 保護團體與當地人合作,擴大壁虎棲息地區的保護,安排巡邏,並於森林中設置 24小時攝像監控,壁虎的數量於數年間成功回升80%。

The union island gecko was first scientifically described in 2005 and soon became a popular exotic pet. Its population shrunk quickly because of poaching. conservation organizations and locals worked together to expand the protected area for the gecko, provide anti-poaching patrols and set up 24/7 camera surveillance in the forest, the population of the gecko has increased 80% in a few years.


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