研究發現,果蝠在覓食時也會像人類一樣做出非理性的選擇。 當研究員給果蝠成熟的木瓜及成熟的香蕉去選擇時,牠們對兩者都沒有特別的偏好; 但當加入未成熟的香蕉作第三種選擇時,牠們會更喜歡成熟的香蕉。 這表示添加誘餌作對比後會改變牠們的行為。
A study found that fruit bats will make irrational choices when picking on food similar to human behavior. When a fruit bat is offered a ripe papaya and ripe banana, they don’t have a strong preference for either; but when a unripe banana is added in as a third option, they would prefer the ripe banana. This shows that adding the decoy has changed their behavior.