伊朗是極度瀕危的亞洲獵豹所謹餘的棲息地。 最近研究發現,牠們的數量由2010 年約100隻下跌到12隻。這個群落住在伊朗的沙漠,道路發展嚴重破壞牠們的棲息地, 造成極大威脅;採礦及與畜牧競爭資源亦對牠們造成影響。
Iran is the last home for the critically endangered Asiatic cheetahs. There were around 100 of them in 2010, but the recent study found that there are only 12 of them remind. This last population of Asiatic cheetahs lives in the desert of Iran. Their main threat is roads developments in their habitats. mining and competition of resources with livestock are also threatening the cheetahs.