
生態學家計劃於澳洲新南威爾斯州的一個森林,收集長腳長鼻袋鼠捕食者的糞便,並嘗試從中找出其DNA。長腳長鼻袋鼠於該區最後一次記錄已是1990 年代初期。計劃希望收集1000個貓、狐狸、澳洲野犬或袋鼬的糞便樣本研究結果將有助長腳長鼻袋鼠的復育計劃。

In the South East Forests in Australia, ecologists plan to search for the vulnerable long-footed potoroo’s DNA in their predators’ feces. the long-footed potoroo was last recorded in this area in the early 1990s. The search aims to collect 1000 samples feces of cats, foxes, dingoes and quolls; the result will help to plan for the rewilding project of these potoroo. 


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