科學家於三種擱淺海豚的大腦中發現了阿茲海默症(俗稱老人癡呆症)的標記,而這三隻海豚也有衰老的跡象,如牙齒磨損或脫落等。 若海豚也會像人類一樣患上老人癡呆症,那生病的海豚有可能因錯誤判斷方向而帶領同伴到淺水區擱淺。
Markers of Alzheimer’s disease had been discovered in the brains of three different species of stranded dolphins,and these three dolphins also displayed signs of being old like worn or lost teeth. If dolphins also suffer Alzheimer’ like human, then it’s possible that the sick dolphin would lead the group into shallow water and get stranded.