
除了人類及一些靈長類動物,日本山雀也被發現會使用肢體語言來溝通! 研究人員觀察到,當一對已配對的山雀帶著食物回到巢穴附近時,其中一隻鳥(通常是雌鳥)會向其配偶撲動翅膀,表示另一隻鳥可以先進入巢穴,就像人類會於進門時做出手勢說「你先」。 在這種情況下,雄性山雀大多會先進入巢穴,雌性緊隨。

Beside human and some primates, Japanese Tit was observed to use gestures to communicate! researchers observed when a mating pair arrives near their nest with food, one of them, usually the female, will flutter its wings towards its mate to indicate the other bird can enter the nest first, like how human will make hand gestures to say “after you” when entering a door. In that case, the male tit will enter the nest, and the female follows after.


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