
美國佛羅里達州每年都會舉行一次捕捉入侵蛇比賽,為期 10 天的比賽鼓勵大眾參與移除入侵緬甸蟒蛇。 緬甸蟒原自東南亞地區,因寵物貿易被帶到美國,並被人類野放並快速於佛羅里達州南部繁殖,影響當地生態系統。

There is an annual invasive snake hunt in Florida. During this 10-day competition, people are encouraged to get rid of the invasive Burmese pythons. Burmese python is native to Southeast Asia and was brought to the State through pet trade. These snakes entered the ecosystem when their owners released them into the wild, they started to reproduce mainly in the southern part of Florida.


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