挪威於今年的捕鯨季至少屠宰了 580 頭鯨魚,是六年來新高。 他們主要用手榴彈魚叉來捕鯨,鯨魚一般要掙扎25分鐘才會死亡。鯨魚對生態系統以及應對氣候變化非常重要; 牠們可以幫助循環養分並增加浮游生物的數量,從而為魚類創造更多食物。 鯨肉很少被人類食用;挪威和日本都用牠們來製造寵物食品,或掉回大海。
Norway slaughtered at least 580 whales in the 2022 whaling season, marked the highest number in six years. Grenade harpoons are used to kill whales and usually the animals need to suffer 25 mins before dying. Whales are very important to the ecosystem as well as fighting climate change; they can help circulate nutrients and increase the number of phytoplankton, which create more food for fish. Whale meat is seldom consumed by human; both Norway and Japan use them to manufacture pet food of dump back into the sea.