世上最大的蛙類——非洲巨蛙,棲息於喀麥隆及赤道幾內亞的溪流附近。牠體長能達34厘米,體重可超過3.2公斤。 因過度捕獵作食用及寵物貿易,導致他們受到威脅。為了拯救這種瀕危巨蛙,保育團體與當地人合作,招募他們成為公民科學家,並建立蝸牛農場,為他們提供替代的食物來源。
The world’s largest frog, Goliath frog, inhabits streamside environment in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. It can grow up to 34cm long and weight over 3.2kg. Over-hunted for food and pet trade have put this unique species in danger. To save this endangered frog, conservation group works with local and recruits them as citizen scientists, they also set up snail farms to provide an alternative food source for them.