
自俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭,黑海擱淺海豚的數量有所增加。 超過 700 隻海豚及鼠海豚被發現死亡;當中很多身上都有被地雷或炸彈燒傷的痕跡,有些則無法導航及餓了多天。戰爭的巨大噪音對這些鯨類動物帶來更多威脅,因為牠們依靠聲音來導航、溝通及尋找食物。

The number of dolphin strandings in the Black Sea has increased since Russia invaded Ukraine. Over 700 dolphins and porpoises were found dead; many of them had burn marks from mines and bombs, some were unable to navigate and some starved for days. the loud noises from the war is threatening these cetaceans as they rely on sounds to navigate, communicate and search for food.


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