海洋哺乳動物除了會誤食了塑膠,微膠粒已經成為牠們身體的一部分。 一項研究檢驗了32 隻鯨魚、海豚和海豹等海洋哺乳動物,發現當中 2/3 的脂肪及肺部組織含有微膠粒。現階段仍需要更多的研究來了解這情況對牠們有何影響,但其他相關研究發現,塑膠可能會影響體內激素及引起其他內分泌相關問題。
Marine mammals are not only ingesting plastic waste, plastic waste has became part of them body. a study examined 32 marine mammals like whales, dolphins and seals, and discovered 2/3 of them have microplastics embedded in their fats and lungs. More studies are needed to understand how this affect these animal, but other studies have found plastic could cause hormone disruption and other endocrine-related issues.