
智利政府計劃建造一條穿過國家公園的高速公路,該國家公園是其中一種最古老的樹種——智利柏(Fitzroya cupressoides)的主要分佈地。科學家擔心除了威脅到智利柏,這條道路亦會影響到達爾文狐(Lycalopex Fluvipes)等其他瀕危物種,並導致更多非法採伐及入侵物種增加的機會。

Chilean government is planning to build a highway across a national park, which is home to one of the longest-living trees species, the alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides). Scientists worry the road will damage home of the alerce, as well as other endangered species like the Darwin’s fox (Lycalopex fluvipes), and allow more illegal logging and increase invasive species.


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